Why You Should Use A Pet Tracker

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Pet lovers should consider using a pet tracker available today. Not only can you find a lost pet, but they are also useful for tracking your pet’s health.

Why Pet Trackers Can Keep Your Furry Friend Safe

Pet trackers first came onto the market around 2012. They are a connected device that you place on your pet’s collar which helps pet owner’s track pet activities and other metrics such as location.

Like a fitness watch, these trackers are connected to the owner’s smartphone via Bluetooth. Now, they’re growing in popularity as more and more people discover how useful they are.

Awareness Of Benefits Is Rising

Many people adopted a pet during the lock downs. Knowing that your pet is happy, safe, and healthy is hugely satisfying and one less thing to worry about.While many people have grown up with and cared for a pet for years, many haven’t. New pet owners often don’t have the knowledge on pet care, nor the confidence having that knowledge brings.

This is where a pet tracker can prevent worrying and take the anxiety out of caring for a new pet. More and more pet owners are becoming aware of the benefits of pet trackers. These devices have topped the Christmas wish-lists for the past few years.

Fitting a pet tracker on your four-legged friend can also bring many health benefits. They may also save you money in less visits to the veterinarian in the long-term. Health benefits include monitoring sleep patterns, daily activity and how much food your pet is eating. Any drastic changes in these habits can alert you to a problem early so you can take action.

Pet insurance is popular these days with rising veterinarian costs. Many insurers offer incentives if you fit a pet tracker. These incentives can range from offers of free video calls to your local veterinarian to knowing how much to feed your dog. Also, pet trackers will alert you to your pet needing more exercise.Having a pet tracker can also often lower your pet insurance premiums, leaving you with more money to enjoy other activities like online blackjack real money games. Or to buy even more pet treats.

With the epidemic of pet obesity, a pet tracker is a great tool to monitor food intake and the daily exercise needed to balance calorie intake with calories burned.The market has also shown that if a pet is on a prescribed weight-loss programme, having a pet tracker keeps the owner incentivised to stick to the programme as they see the positive results.

Data Is Important For Veterinarian Medicine

As more and more pet trackers can collect medical grade data on weight loss, activity benefits and treatment outcomes, pharmaceutical and veterinarian companies have an interest in that data. Many are starting to offer incentives along with vets and pet food companies if pet owners are willing to share that data through your subscription provider.

Not only do GPS pet trackers help you keep track of your pet, but they provide a host of other benefits too.

Possibly the most important and appreciated benefit for pet owners is that pet trackers take the uncertainty out of maintaining your pet’s health and well-being.

Dogs and cats cannot tell you where the pain is, but a pet tracker will alert you to any drastic changes and when something is wrong.