Dell EMC hosted its first IoT and digital transformation bootcamp at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) in Al Ain, UAE. This two-day bootcamp focused on Internet of Things (IoT) implementations and various aspects of digital transformation and applications architecture to pave the way to develop skills needed for future data scientists. Themed ‘Where IoT, Big Data and Cloud Native Applications Meet’, the bootcamp was chaired by Dr. Leila Ismail, Associate Professor at the College of Information Technology, UAEU.
The advanced curriculum that connects the dots towards experiencing digital transformation, was delivered to 20 students from the College of IT at the UAEU. From offering a deep dive into the Internet of Things (IoT) and building connected cars to exploring 3rd platform technologies, this state-of-the-art workshop was an ideal platform to understand how innovative technologies work in a real-life end-to-end solution through hands-on labs and discussions.
By developing structured education journeys and certifications like the digital transformation bootcamp, Dell EMC enables students to link academic knowledge to industrial implementation of evolving technologies such as IoT, Big Data Analytics and Cloud Computing. Following this comprehensive bootcamp, Dell EMC will offer 2-months mentoring sessions for the selected trainees to add greater value through continuous skills development.
Partner University Quote(s):
Prof. Ghaleb Al Hadrami, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Provost), UAEU
“DELL EMC has been a UAEU strategic partner for years and this new collaboration initiative with them to serve our students is an example of their commitment to us. In achieving the UAEU mission, we are keen to provide our students with the skills needed for the job market especially those related to emerging technologies like IoT and Big Data Analytics”.
Prof. Khaled Shuaib, Acting Dean of the College of IT
“We are excited about this important and strategic collaboration between the UAEU and Dell EMC and to be the first in the region to offer an opportunity for our students to be part of this Digital Transformation bootcamp. This innovative platform strengthens our students’ skills related to Industry 4.0 and provides them with every opportunity to expand on what they have learned in their course work. This initiative comes as part of the College of IT 2018-2021 strategic plan to serve the wider vision of the UAEU in graduating students capable of leading the way toward a knowledge based economy”.
Executive Quote(s):
Mohammed Amin, Senior Vice President, Middle East, Turkey and Africa at Dell EMC
“Technology plays a growing role in preparing students for career readiness in a rapidly changing world. The careers of tomorrow in advancing areas like IoT, cloud computing and data science, require that we invest in developing the youth with the skills needed to fill these roles. That means, working with our industry and academia to offer our youth significant level of insights in practical application of technology. We at Dell EMC believe deeply that the success of our industry is dependent upon innovation which can be achieved through this growing network of professional certification programs that address and fill the need of skilled professionals.”
Marwa Zaghow, Senior Manager, External Research & Academic Alliances, Europe, Middle East, Turkey and Africa, Dell EMC
“As the region continues to witness the accelerated adoption of emerging technologies, we believe it is our responsibility as a leader in innovation to share the skills, knowledge and best practices that the next generation of IT leaders would require. We are confident that this one-of-a-kind bootcamp will be the first of many, offering our youth and universities an ideal platform to encourage innovation and develop highly marketable knowledge and skills.”
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